“Fahndung Österreich” is a dedicated Austrian TV show (Servus TV) that plays a crucial role in crime prevention and solving unsolved cases. With the support of viewers, the show aims to identify unknown perpetrators and track down fugitive criminals, making a significant impact on enhancing public safety and justice.
It works closely with the Federal Ministry of the Interior, the Federal Ministry of Justice, and the Federal Criminal Police Office to present six previously unsolved criminal cases during each live broadcast. These cases cover a wide range of offenses including violent crimes, murder, robbery, fraud, cybercrime, missing persons, and “cold cases.”
The opening sequence of “Fahndung Österreich” is designed to visually represent the process of solving crimes, resembling different puzzle pieces and hints that come together to solve a case. The segmented optics of the sequence highlight various crimes such as murder, fraud, cybercrime, missing persons, and more. The color scheme, inspired by the lighting of a police car found at a crime scene, adds a sense of urgency and authenticity to the visuals.
Each segment showcases the complexity and diversity of cases investigated on the show, illustrating how meticulous investigation and public assistance can bring justice to victims and closure to their families. The sequence serves to engage viewers and emphasize the show’s commitment to solving unsolved cases and preventing future crimes.
In this example, a dynamic map is featured, demonstrating its flexibility to include various information layers. Users can easily add routes, points of interest, and additional data. The modular approach ensures that the map can be customized to fit different informational needs, enhancing both clarity and engagement.
This segment of the motion design project highlights an infographic designed for showcasing images or mugshots with accompanying information. The system allows for easy integration of additional details such as names, descriptions, and relevant background information.
ServusTV - ROLE
Art Direction, Design, 3D / 2D Animation
Allegra Hell - MUSIK / SOUND FX
RB Audio Department